National Association of Safe Ride Programs
About NASRP and SRPU
The National Association of Safe Ride Programs (NASRP) serves as a centrally organized resource, archive of information, and support system for existing and prospective safe ride programs. NASRP seeks to promote safe ride programs nationwide through sharing common experiences and creating leadership opportunities.
The Safe Ride Programs United (SRPU) Conference is a time when representatives from safe ride programs across the country come together to talk about their respective organizations, learn from each other, and help other schools start their own safe ride program. No two safe ride programs are the same, as structure and operations vary based on location, size, finances, and the community where schools exist. This conference provides a platform for sharing and enables participants to learn about the other programs, return to their schools to build upon these ideas and provide the most efficient and effective safe rides.
NASRP is transitioning away from serving as a traditional board. We now operate as a fleet of experts who are available to answer any questions you may have about safe ride programs.